“Fare Cinema”, Italian Cinema around the world

“Fare Cinema”, Italian Cinema around the world

Fare cinema” is part of a concerted program, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) has launched to promote Italian quality film production abroad, with the support of the Italian consular and diplomatic network and the Italian Cultural Institutes. It is an ambitious project that, with the cooperation of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MIBACT), is based on a multi-annual strategy and team work involving the private and public sectors of the film industry, in particular ANICA (National Association of Cinematographic, Audiovisual and Multimedia Industries) and the Istituto Luce-Cinecittà.

The first edition of “Fare Cinema” will take place from May 21 to 27, 2018, and it will focus on the many  professions of the trade – actors, directors, scriptwriters, directors of photography, stage designers, composers, costume designers, make-up artists, editors, special effects artists, and so on. These artists make up the complex mechanism of movie production, and they all contribute to the national and international success of the Italian cinema. In this light, 100 ambassadors of the Italian cinema will take part in conferences, meetings with the public, seminars, panels, and discussions in 100 different cities around the world sharing their experiences of a daily work driven by passion, creativity and top-level technical competences and skills. The aim is to engage qualified industry operators to maximize the interest of the international public and the opportunities for the distribution abroad of Italian TV and movie productions.

Italy has a great tradition of quality cinema, and its contemporary movie production is supported by MAECI and MIBACT as an integral part of the promotion of “Brand Italy” throughout the world, also in consideration of the positive direct and indirect economic and tourist effect that the Italian movie industry has by enhancing and promoting the image of Italy abroad.

Ilona Catani Scarlett