Coffee froth becomes art with Loacker

Coffee froth becomes art with Loacker


Loacker launched a contest designed to select the best froth artists who are able to create unique recipes based on the combination of the Italian wafer with coffee in the United States. The competition is on social media and 2 finalists will be selected among the posts that receive the most likes. These 2 finalists will be invited by Loacker USA to the “Loacker Lodge” inside the Food Network & Cooking Channel New York City Wine & Food Festival presented by Capital One (Hudson River Park’s Pier 97, New York – October 10-13, 2019).

They will show their creativity at the event and an Italian chef will select the overall winner. The contest prize will be a trip to Italy, to visit the Loacker factory in South Tyrol, in Auna di Sotto, on the Renon plateau. There, they will meet the team of Moccaria, Loacker Pastry Shop where the specialties of the house can be tasted.