Exploring the natural parks, Medieval towns, and the art cities with an interconnected system of bike paths
Ciclovia dell’Arno is a system of 400 kilometers of bike paths along the Arno river from east to west. The great infrastructure connects existing bike paths with new ones allowing riders to explore the most of Tuscany. From Mount Falterona to Marina di Pisa, it touches art cities and natural parks in five different Tuscan provinces. The Tuscany Region, the Italian government, and Europe are founding the €24 million project and 46% of the route is already in use. 8% of Ciclovia dell’Arno is currently under construction, while different local authorities have started the planning of the rest of it.
Tuscany Councilor for Infrastructure Vincenzo Ceccarelli said: “The goal of the project is to design a regional cycle system capable of connecting both with large national itineraries and with territorial ramifications.” Ciclovia dell’Arno, with Ciclovia Tirrenica, will become a ‘pillar’ of a comprehensive Tuscan system of bike paths.
This includes also the Florence-Bologna route, the Tiberina one, the one touching Grosseto, Siena, and Arezzo, as well as the Francigena bike path.
The whole Tuscan bike path system aims to contribute to reduce atmospheric emissions by encouraging the use of the bike. Moreover, it further increases tourists attractiveness offering cyclists itineraries of high historical and artistic value that include Florence, Pisa, and Arezzo. While the majestic Tuscan biodiversity takes riders’ breath away as they go through the ‘Foreste Casentinesi’ national park. But also through the regional park of ‘Migliarino and San Rossore’, and the regional nature reserves of ‘Ponte a Buriano and Penna’ and ‘Valle dell’Inferno and Bandella’.
Ilona Catani Scarlett