Over 7000km of hiking, from norther Sardinia through the Apennine ridge and the Alpine arc to reach the province of Trieste
On the occasion of the European Parks Day, the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) and the Ministry of the Environment launched a new eco-sustainable path, the “Sentiero dei Parchi” (Path of the Parks). A hiking itinerary that will touch all 26 national parks in the country that will have as its backbone the current CAI’s “Sentiero Italia” (Italy Path).
The activation of the Path is part of a broader Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of the Environment and CAI. This provides for a more intense collaboration to promote education and environmental issues.
In particular, the agreement intends to spread the culture of the environment, biodiversity, and sustainable development.
“Italy Path” is already one of the most extensive hiking routes in the world. Over 7000 km long, it connects all Italian regions along the Apennine ridge and the Alpine arc. Starting from Santa Teresa Gallura, in northern Sardinia, until reaching Muggia, in the province of Trieste. A route that embraces the whole country exploring its mountainous areas. It already crosses 18 of the 26 national parks, with 85 of its stages fully or partially included within their borders. All of this will be integrated with additional routes that will touch all protected areas. The path will thus become an eco-sustainable visit route through parks, biosphere reserves, UNESCO World Heritage Natural Sites, and those linked to Intangible Cultural Heritage listings.
Hikers who will set off on the “Path of the Parks” will receive a “passport”. A symbolic recognition for the travelers who will cross the territory of each park and a reward for those who have managed to complete it by visiting all 26 national parks.
Ilona Catani Scarlett