Dolce&Gabbana Grand Tour: a journey of learning and rediscovery

Dolce&Gabbana Grand Tour: a journey of learning and rediscovery

The Grand Tour of Dolce&Gabbana continues to be a tool for discovery and learning, a journey through Italy that combines fashion, culture, and tradition. Each collection is not only a tribute to the beauty of the place that inspires it but also a profound exploration of its cultural roots.

In Sardinia, Dolce&Gabbana once again demonstrated their ability to transform sartorial art into a celebration of local history and culture, creating a continuous dialogue between past and present, tradition and innovation. Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda 2024 represents a new chapter in the infinite cultural and intellectual exploration undertaken by the two Italian designers. This chapter, presented in the evocative Archaeological Park of Nora on the Capo Pula promontory in Sardinia, fits into an ever-evolving work, a modern Grand Tour aimed at rediscovering and reinterpreting local traditions through sartorial elegance and artisanal craftsmanship.

Dolce&Gabbana’s Journey: learning and tradition

The Grand Tour of Dolce&Gabbana is not just a journey through Italy’s beauties, but a continuous exercise in learning. From Taormina to Palermo, from Agrigento to Naples, passing through Alberobello, Capri, Milan, Como, and Florence, each stop is an opportunity for the two designers to immerse themselves in local traditions, study intricate embroidery and weaving techniques, and use these skills as if they were pages of a textbook. The choice of Sardinia as a tour stop is particularly significant: far from the Baroque imagery that has often influenced Dolce&Gabbana, the island offers a determined and authentic culture that inspired a clean, linear collection, rich in details and decorations.

Homage to Sardinia

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, with surprise and admiration, declare: “We chose Southern Sardinia to discover the traditions of a great and determined culture. We did not know much about the island’s tradition. By studying, we realized that it would have been easy to fall into the trap and cliché of the Baroque (the Spanish settled here for 400 years), so we selected some elements that allowed us to create a very clean and linear collection, almost a homage to the lines of Carosa from the 1960s, but rich in infinite details and decorations.” This exploration brought to light local techniques such as bread modeling for creating jewelry, combined with the use of filigree and precious stones, resulting in light and airy creations.

Three words for four dream nights: Dolce Gabbana Sardinia

The unmissable event of the scorching summer of 2024 for all fashion enthusiasts is the Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda, Alta Gioielleria, and Alta Sartoria events and fashion shows that will animate the south of the island until July 4th. Devoted promoters of artisanal heritage and the most authentic Italian beauty – after Taormina, Agrigento, Florence, Venice, and Apulia – the two designers this year stop in Sardinia. The homage to the island’s traditions and folklore intertwines with the brand’s DNA. Once again, Made in Italy and handmade (and crafted to perfection) are the absolute protagonists. Telling and enhancing Sardinian savoir-faire, its famous artifacts, and its ancient culture rooted in the Nuragic civilization is the starting point of this new Grand Tour.

A grand show of fashion and showbiz

As always, the events dedicated to Dolce&Gabbana Alta Moda create an indissoluble link between fashion and showbiz. They are, above all, a great show. Here glamour and maximalism – in all their various artistic and creative expressions – reign supreme. It is no coincidence that the designer duo chose an international pop star of the caliber of Christina Aguilera for the opening party on June 30th. This choice not only underscores the link between fashion and entertainment but also the intention to create events that promise wonders, not only from the sartorial creations’ perspective.