Nominations for “Most Beautiful Park 2018”

Nominations for “Most Beautiful Park 2018”

Like every year, in spring, the “1000 Most Beautiful Parks in Italy” network of public and private parks and gardens chose the 10 finalists of its special recognition, which will be awarded in summer. The scientific committee selects the nominees taking into account historical-artistic botanical aspects, state of conservation, maintenance and management program, presence of services, accessibility, and information to the public. Here are this year’s nominees:

Giardino Botanico Chanousia (Aosta) – This alpine botanical garden, located at an altitude of 2170 meters, was founded in 1897 and it houses over 1,000 species of officinal plants, carnivores, and very rare plants: a true living museum of alpine flora.

Parco Burcina Felice Piacenza (Biella) – The main attraction of the vast park, together with its woods, meadows, majestic sequoias, and a romantic pond, is the collection of rhododendrons, in bloom between May and June.

Oasi Zegna (Biella) – A mountain area of about 100 sq km where to admire the blooms of the rhododendrons and the or the magma rocks formed over 30 million years ago and still worked today by local artisans.

Villa della Porta Bozzolo (Varese) – This spectacular 18th-century Italian garden, with a panoramic lookout from which to admire the flowering of the rose garden with precious ancient varieties, is part of the property of the 16th-century rural villa by Lake Maggiore subsequently transformed in aristocratic residence.

Villa Arconati (Milan)- The largest French formal garden in Lombardy surrounds the “little Versailles” of Castellazzo di Bollate and boast small theaters as well as a navigable pond.

Villa della Pergola (Savona) – A vast 22,000 sq m park overlooking the sea and housing the largest European collection of Agapanthus and over 35 varieties of wisteria with fragrant clusters of lilac, pink, white, and blue flowers.

Villa Revedin Bolasco (Treviso) – This enchanting garden is characterized by the alternation of meadows, ponds, hills, and the “Cavallerizza”, a horse riding arena crowned with 52 statues and introduced by two equestrian statues placed above high bases.

Villa Torrigiani (Lucca) – The Renaissance building is surrounded by a park with an impressive cypresses avenue, ancient camellias and rare botanical species that give the garden a romantic feel.

Villa Madama (Roma) – Located along the slopes of Monte Mario, this beautiful garden surrounds the villa that houses the representative office of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Giardino di Minerva (Salerno) – This is the historic botanical garden of the ancient Salernitan Medical School which, and it houses hundreds of medicinal plants.

Ilona Catani Scarlett