12 marvelous plaster heads by Canova on display in Lucca at the exhibition

12 marvelous plaster heads by Canova on display in Lucca at the exhibition

The exhibition “Antonio Canova e il Neoclassicismo a Lucca” (Antonio Canova and Neoclassicism in Lucca,”) hosted at Lucca’s historic Cavallerizza, is an outstandingly beautiful artistic event which will carry on mesmerizing the audience until September 29, 2024.

Curated by art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, the exhibition is an exhilarating journey into the era of Neoclassicism, and celebrates the works of Antonio Canova, one of the finest examples of this artistic movement.

The highlight of the exhibition are Canova’s “12 marvelous plaster heads.” These are previously unseen works that see the light of day before the general public for the very first time. These sculptures, which have emerged at the Villa Canal alla Gherla, represent a priceless artistic treasure that testifies to Canova’s mastery and innate ability to capture ideal grace and beauty. With its uniqueness and finesse, each head testifies to Canova’s constant pursuit of the ideal of classical beauty, a central theme of Neoclassicism.

The exhibition is not just a tribute to Canova, but also a dialogue that takes place between his works and the works of other prominent Neoclassical and Romantic artists, there including Pompeo Batoni, Bernardino Nocchi, Stefano Tofanelli, Francisco Goya and Francesco Hayez. Comparing their works to those of Canova creates a fascinating journey through the different ways of interpretating beauty, harmony and idealism which have characterized that time.

In addition to sculptures, there are also paintings and other works of art on display at the exhibition in order to further enrich the visitors’ experience. A further remarkable aspect is the setting of the exhibition itself; the Cavallerizza di Lucca. With its history and architecture, the Cavallerizza contributes to creating such evocative atmosphere, almost as if one were walking right into the halls of a palazzo from neoclassical times.

This event represents a unique opportunity for art and history lovers to immerse themselves in a time in which the search for ideal beauty dominated the artistic landscape. The exhibition “Antonio Canova and Neoclassicism in Lucca” is not just an exhibition of artworks, but a cultural experience that allows visitors to explore the history, art and philosophy of an extraordinary period of time.