Riesling and Revved Engines: Alfa Romeo's Elegance

Riesling and Revved Engines: Alfa Romeo's Elegance

A journey through the elegance of Alfa Romeo, the artistry of German Riesling, Prada's winter fashion, Berlin's art scene, and the enchanting Black Forest. Featuring Chef Klaus Erfort and the Berlin State Opera.

Cover Story: Alfa Romeo - A Symphony of Design

Experience the fusion of Italian automotive excellence and German engineering passion with Alfa Romeo. This feature delves into its storied history, design philosophy, and the allure that sets Alfa Romeo apart from other luxury cars.

Wine Spotlight: German Riesling’s Renaissance

Explore Germany’s renowned wine regions with a focus on the Riesling revival. Understand what makes these wines globally sought-after, from their rich history to their diverse flavor profiles.

Fashion Forward: Prada’s Winter Collection

Get an exclusive look at Prada’s latest winter collection, where Italian craftsmanship meets contemporary style, showcased against Germany’s scenic backdrops.

Art and Culture: Berlin’s Eclectic Scene

Discover Berlin’s vibrant art scene through its galleries and exhibitions, highlighting a blend of contemporary and classical art.

Culinary Excellence: Chef Klaus Erfort

Savor the innovative German cuisine of Chef Klaus Erfort, blending traditional flavors with modern culinary art.

Historical Elegance: The Berlin State Opera

Experience the grandeur of the Berlin State Opera, delving into its architectural beauty and rich musical heritage.

Conclusion and Availability

Join us in celebrating Italian and German excellence with “All About Italy” Issue #42 for Germany. Available on popular digital platforms.